Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Les Poupées russes (2005) - Cédric Klapisch

"If I think about all the girls I've known or slept with or just desired, they're like a bunch of Russian dolls.
We spend our lives playing the game dying to know who'll be the last, the teeny-tiny one hidden inside all the others.
You can't just get to her right away.
You have to follow the progression.
You have to open them one by one wondering, "Is she the last one?""


ni said...

"(...) wondering "Is she the last one?""

... e esperando que seja mesmo a última(o)...

PP said...

Sabes que esse é um dos meus filmes preferidos nao sabes?? E que foi com um post igual que (quase) iniciei o meu blog!!

Está genial..!

Soraiadodot said...

sei;) o filme é fantástico!! adorei!!